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Ganglion Cysts: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

What are Ganglion Cysts?

Ganglion cysts are noncancerous lumps that commonly develop along the tendons or joints of the wrists or hands. They are filled with a thick, jelly-like fluid and can vary in size.



  • A visible lump or swelling on the wrist or hand

  • Pain or discomfort, especially with joint movement or pressure

  • Stiffness in the affected joint

  • The cyst may change in size or disappear on its own


Risk Factors

  • Repetitive wrist movements: Common in athletes or individuals who perform repetitive hand tasks

  • Previous joint or tendon injuries: Increases the likelihood of cyst formation

  • Age: More common in younger adults, especially between 20-40 years old

  • Gender: More prevalent in women




  • Observation: If the cyst is painless and doesn’t interfere with function, no treatment may be necessary

  • Aspiration: Draining the fluid from the cyst using a needle

  • Ultrasound-Guided Steroid Injections: Reducing inflammation and preventing recurrence

  • PRP Therapy: Promoting tissue healing and reducing the likelihood of cyst recurrence

  • Surgical Removal: In cases where the cyst is painful or recurrent


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